Our New Website!

Our website has been redesigned, to make it easier for you to access, and to find useful information and contact Lifelaunch. In particular, we hope you like the feel of the design, which is specifically intended to be easy to navigate and to reflect our forward thinking and modern approach. The site is now compatible with modern tablets and smart phones to allow you to keep in touch while on the move.
We will be updating this Blog from time to time, to add useful articles and information as you consider your “next”. There will be more than one contributor to make sure you get the breadth of topics and advice our firm can offer!
Take a moment to explore our new site, perhaps bookmark us, and be sure to check back regularly for more information about our services and useful tips.
If you have any questions about our new site or any other topic, please get in touch via our contact page or email – jzogbaum@lifelaunchconsulting.com