What comes next for your clients?
After you have successfully created a financial plan for your clients to retire,
How do you help them with all the other important decisions like:
What’s your next chapter?
What’s your new identity?
What are you passionate about?
How will you spend time when you are no longer working full time?
How will you spend time when you are no longer working full time?
Do you want to volunteer?
What will your daily schedule consist of?
How will you live “on purpose”?
Where’s your map?
How do you feel a sense of accomplishment and connectedness in a new way?

Your client is mid-career with a great deal of financial and personal responsibility, but that client is unhappy in their current role. how can you help them make a shift without taking a step back? the lifelaunch consulting career readiness assessment will help guide your client to find that next role that will bring them fulfilment, happiness and success so they can continue to meet their personal and financial responsibilities and goals.